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The current pandemic is a prolonged, diffuse disaster with no geographical or chronological boundaries.  It is going to last for a long time and is causing significant emotional and physical stress for everyone.  We at SRT, Inc. are involved on a daily basis with supporting our state’s pandemic response, in particular, the work the OKMRC Stress Response Team is performing at the numerous PODs (Points of Dispensing).  To aid in this endeavor we have developed several Stress First Aid trainings.  One is specifically designed for all POD workers.  Go to our YouTube channel, SRT, Inc., and view the Stress First Aid Playlist.    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdnEJ87NX9SSmodFt1ynKFw   

What is Stress First Aid?  It is a framework to improve recovery from stress reactions, in oneself, in peers, and in citizens faced with crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Stress First Aid is based on research that says that people tend to do better in ongoing, stressful circumstances when they have one or more of five essential elements to counteract adversity. These elements are:
1. Being able to move toward a sense of safety
2. Being able to calm themselves
3. Feeling connected to others
4. Feeling that they will be able to get through with what they're having to confront
5. Having a sense of optimism, faith, or hope.

Learn how to use SFA

posted 4 years ago by jcallphdjd

SRT, Inc.
629 NE 16th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

405.306.4234 | srt@oksrtinc.com

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